Thinking in Queries

DataKnots is a Julia library for building database queries. This conceptual guide provides a deeper look at DataKnots beyond what is available in the tutorial. We'll start with a quick overview of the query algebra, then we'll move on to the structure of knots, then pipelines, and finally back to query combinators.

There are four layers in the DataKnots package. At the lowest level are DataKnot objects, which are the input and output of a Query. At the highest level are combinators, such as Count, which are used to build queries from other queries. The Pipeline layer is an implementation detail, pipelines can be seen as a detailed query plan describing just how data should be processed. This layer helpful for explaining the semantics of queries and is helpful for those building custom queries and combinators.

Combinatorbuilds a Query from other queries
Queryassembles Pipeline extensions
Pipelinetransforms one DataKnot to another
DataKnotprovides block-oriented storage model

To start working with DataKnots, we import the package:

using DataKnots

This statement imports common query constructors such as Lift, and combinators, such as Count. Further, it imports the constructor for DataKnot objects. That said, pipeline functions, such as DataKnots.assemble are not imported, but they would only be used by those curious about the workings of queries.

Query Algebra

In DataKnots, queries are assembled algebraically: they either come from a set of atomic primitives or are built from other queries using combinators.

The Unit Knot

A DataKnot, or just knot, is a container for structured, vectorized data. The unitknot is a trivial knot used as the starting point for constructing other knots.

│  │

The unit knot has a single value, an empty tuple. You could get the value of any knot using Julia's get function.

#-> ()

Constant Queries

Any Julia value could be converted to a query using the Lift constructor. Queries constructed this way are constant: for each input element they receive, they output the given value. Consider the query Hello, lifted from the string value "Hello World".

Hello = Lift("Hello World")

To query unitknot with Hello, we use indexing notation unitknot[Hello]. In this case, Hello receives () from unitknot and produces the value, "Hello World".

│ Hello World │

A Tuple lifted to a constant query is displayed as a table.

unitknot[Lift((name="DataKnots", version="0.1"))]
│ name       version │
│ DataKnots  0.1     │

A missing value lifted to a constant query produces no output.


A Vector lifted to a constant query will produce plural output.

1 │ a │
2 │ b │
3 │ c │

We call queries constructed this way primitives, as they do not rely upon any other query. There are also combinators, which build new queries from existing ones.

Composition & Identity

Two queries can be connected sequentially using the composition combinator (>>). Consider the composition Lift(1:3) >> Hello. Since Hello produces a value for each input element, preceding it with Lift(1:3) generates three copies of "Hello World".

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Hello]
1 │ Hello World │
2 │ Hello World │
3 │ Hello World │

If we compose two plural queries, Lift(1:2) and Lift('a':'c'), the output will contain the elements of 'a':'c' repeated twice.

unitknot[Lift(1:2) >> Lift('a':'c')]
1 │ a │
2 │ b │
3 │ c │
4 │ a │
5 │ b │
6 │ c │

The identity with respect to query composition is called It. This primitive can be composed with any query without changing the query's output.

unitknot[Hello >> It]
│ Hello World │

The identity primitive, It, can be used to construct queries which rely upon the output from previous processing.

Increment = It .+ 1
unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Increment]
1 │ 2 │
2 │ 3 │
3 │ 4 │

In DataKnots, queries are built algebraically, starting with query primitives, such as constants (Lift) or the identity (It), and then arranged with with combinators, such as composition (>>). This lets us define sophisticated query components and remix them in creative ways.

The Shape of Data

To discuss the structure and function of queries, we must first describe the shape of DataKnot objects. Shapes are used to track value types, cardinality constraints, field labels, and other properties.

To obtain the shape of a knot, use the shape function.

#-> BlockOf(TupleOf(), x1to1)

Here we discover that the shape of the unitknot is a singular block of empty tuples.


A block is a collection of elements of a particular type, with the number of its elements satisfying a certain cardinality constraint. Query results are always packaged as a block.

Consider the knot produced by the query Lift('a':'c').

abc = unitknot[Lift('a':'c')]
1 │ a │
2 │ b │
3 │ c │

The knot abc contains several character elements wrapped in a single block.

#-> BlockOf(Char)

Now consider the output of a singular query.

hello = unitknot[Lift("Hello World")]
│ Hello World │

This knot contains a single string wrapped in a block. Since this block contains exactly one element, its cardinality is :x1to1.

#-> BlockOf(String, x1to1)


Cardinality restricts the possible number of elements per block: singular means there is at most one value in each block; mandatory means there must be at least one value in each block.

:x0to1noyesoptional, singular value
:x0toNnonooptional, plural values
:x1to1yesyesexactly one value
:x1toNyesnoat least one plural value

When an AbstractVector is converted to queries via Lift, the default cardinality is :x0toN. Values of Missing type are treated as :x0to1. Otherwise, the cardinality is :x1to1.

For more detail on how Lift constructs queries, see the section entitled cardinality of lift.


So that we could declare the use of native Julia values as block elements, we wrap their type in a value shape. In particular, BlockOf(String) abbreviates BlockOf(ValueOf(String)).

#-> BlockOf(String)

When a Julia value is lifted to queries, the outer Vector is used to represent block elements. Its element type is then wrapped with ValueOf to become the block's shape. Hence, a block of Vector could be constructed:

numbers = unitknot[Lift([[1,2],[3]])]
1 │ 1; 2 │
2 │ 3    │

The shape of numbers this is a block of ValueOf(Vector).

#-> BlockOf(Vector{Int64})

Once could also construct this shape directly.

#-> BlockOf(Vector{Int64})

Some queries may produce empty output, that is, a single block that happens to not have any values in it.

empty = unitknot[Lift(missing)]

The shape of this empty knot indicates its block could have at most one value (:x0to1). Further, missing is treated as the lack of value. Hence, rather than a ValueOf(Missing) shape, it has the bottom shape, NoShape().

#-> BlockOf(NoShape(), x0to1)


Shape is also used to track query labels. A label can be given to a query using the Label primitive.

labeled = unitknot[Lift("Hello World") >> Label(:message)]
│ message     │
│ Hello World │

When the Label primitive is composed with a query, it doesn't change how data is processed, but instead modifies output shape.

#-> BlockOf(String, x1to1) |> IsLabeled(:message)

We use the Pair constructor as a convenient syntax for the assignment of labels.

unitknot[:message => "Hello World"]
│ message     │
│ Hello World │

The label shape is used when displaying titles. It also is used by the Record combinator when constructing tuples.


Besides blocks that structure data sequentially, data could also be organized in parallel as a named tuple.

message = unitknot[Record(:message=>"Hello World")]
│ message     │
│ Hello World │

The Record combinator converts query labels, such as message, into field names. In a tuple constructed by Record, field values are always wrapped in a block. Hence, the shape of this query is a block of tuples, with elements being a block of strings.

#-> BlockOf(TupleOf(:message => BlockOf(String, x1to1)), x1to1)

The only structural difference between this query and a table is the cardinality of the outer block.

table = unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Record(:n => It, :n² => It .* It)]
  │ n  n² │
1 │ 1   1 │
2 │ 2   4 │
3 │ 3   9 │

BlockOf(TupleOf(:n => BlockOf(Int64, x1to1),
                :n² => BlockOf(Int64, x1to1)))

The combination of blocks, values, labels, and tuples permit structured hierararchies to be represented as a DataKnot.

Pipeline Processing

So far we've discussed knots, queries and combinators. What we've not discussed are pipelines, which transform one knot to another. Normally one doesn't interact with pipelines unless you are building novel query combinators.

To start, how does unitknot[Lift("Hello")] function?

Assembling Pipelines

Before we can assemble a pipeline, we first need the shape of the input source. Since we're going to be running our query against the unitknot, let's obtain its shape.

unitshape = DataKnots.shape(unitknot)
#-> BlockOf(TupleOf(), x1to1)

We could then assemble the pipeline for Lift("Hello").

hello_pipe = DataKnots.assemble(unitshape, Lift("Hello"))
#-> with_elements(filler("Hello"))

This pipeline has two phases: it loops though each element of the input block (with_elements); then, for each of those elements, it produces the string value "Hello" (filler).

Once assembled, we could run the pipeline against the unitknot.

│ Hello │

Observe that pipeline assembly doesn't depend upon the exact input data, but it does depends upon shape of the input source.

Pipeline Signature

A pipeline is a function that maps data blocks from an input source to blocks in its output target. We could inquire about the pipeline's input and output shapes.

#-> BlockOf(TupleOf(), x1to1)
#-> BlockOf(String, x1to1)

One needs both the source and the target shapes to define the signature of the pipeline function.

#-> Signature(BlockOf(TupleOf(), x1to1), BlockOf(String, x1to1))

Here we see that hello_pipe expects its input source to provide an empty tuple, and that it'll produce a string.

Trivial Pipelines

Internally, any DataKnot can be converted into a Pipeline capable of reproducing itself.

unitpipe = DataKnots.trivial_pipe(unitknot)
#-> pass()

The signature of a trivial pipeline has both the source and the target being the shape of the knot it was derived from.

Signature(BlockOf(TupleOf(), x1to1),
          BlockOf(TupleOf(), x1to1) |> IsFlow)

We could use this unitpipe on itself.

│  │

Queries are Pipeline Extensions

Previously we saw how we could assemble a Query to a Pipeline by providing a given shape. In the more nominal case, one builds pipelines by extending previous pipelines. Let's recall our unitpipe.

unitpipe = DataKnots.trivial_pipe(unitknot)
#-> pass()

Let's extend the this pipeline with the query Lift("Hello").

hello_pipe = DataKnots.assemble(nothing, unitpipe, Lift("Hello"))
#-> chain_of(with_elements(chain_of(filler("Hello"), wrap())), flatten())

This pipeline could then be run.

│ Hello │


Now that we've covered shapes and pipelines, we could go further into detail how things work at a higher level.

Lifting Functions

Any function could be used in a query. Consider the function double(x) that, when applied to a Number, produces a Number:

double(x) = 2x
double(3) #-> 6

What we want is an analogue to double which, instead of operating on numbers, operates on queries. Such functions are called query combinators. We can convert any function to a combinator by passing the function and its arguments to Lift.

Double(X) = Lift(double, (X,))

For a given query X, the combinator Double(X) evaluates X and then runs each output element though the double function.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Double(It)]
1 │ 2 │
2 │ 4 │
3 │ 6 │

Alternatively, instead of Lift we could use broadcasting. For example, double.(It) is equivalent to Lift(double, (It,)).

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> double.(It)]
1 │ 2 │
2 │ 4 │
3 │ 6 │

Broadcasting also works with operators.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> (It .+ 1)]
1 │ 2 │
2 │ 3 │
3 │ 4 │

Unary operators can be broadcast as well.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> (√).(It)]
1 │ 1.0     │
2 │ 1.41421 │
3 │ 1.73205 │

Broadcasting could only be used when at least one argument is a query. For this reason, when defining a combinator, it is recommended to use Lift over broadcasting.

Sqrt(X) = Lift(√, (X,))

│ 1.41421 │

Vector-valued functions give rise to plural queries. Here, the unit range constructor is lifted to a query combinator that builds plural queries.

OneTo(X) = Lift(:, (1, X))

1 │ 1 │
2 │ 2 │
3 │ 3 │

Since later in this guide we'll want to enumerate the alphabet, let's define a combinator for that as well. In this definition, anonymous function syntax (->) is used to build an expression that is then lifted to queries.

Chars(N) = Lift(n -> 'a':'a'+n-1, (N,))

1 │ a │
2 │ b │
3 │ c │

Lifting lets us use rich statistical and data processing functions from within our queries.

Aggregate Queries

So far queries have been elementwise; that is, for each input element, they produce zero or more output elements. Consider the Count primitive; it returns the number of its input elements.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Count]
│ 3 │

An aggregate query such as Count is computed over the input as a whole, and not for each individual element. The semantics of aggregates require discussion. Consider Lift(1:3) >> OneTo(It).

OneTo(X) = Lift(:, (1, X))

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> OneTo(It)]
1 │ 1 │
2 │ 1 │
3 │ 2 │
4 │ 1 │
5 │ 2 │
6 │ 3 │

By appending >> Sum we could aggregate the entire input flow, producing a single output element.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> OneTo(It) >> Sum]
│ 10 │

What if we wanted to produce sums by the outer query, Lift(1:3)? Since query composition (>>) is associative, adding parenthesis around OneTo(It) >> Sum will not change the result.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> (OneTo(It) >> Sum)]
│ 10 │

We could use Record to create this elementwise barrier. However, it introduces an intermediate, unwanted structure: we asked for sums, not a table with sums.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >>
         Record(:data => OneTo(It),
                :sum => OneTo(It) >> Sum)]
  │ data     sum │
1 │ 1          1 │
2 │ 1; 2       3 │
3 │ 1; 2; 3    6 │

We need the Each combinator, which much the same as Record, acts as an elementwise barrier. For each input element, Each evaluates its argument, and then collects the outputs.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Each(OneTo(It) >> Sum)]
1 │ 1 │
2 │ 3 │
3 │ 6 │

Normally, one wouldn't need to use Each — for aggregates such as Sum or Count, the query Y >> Each(X >> Count) is equivalent to Y >> Count(X). Hence, we could use the combinator form of Sum to do this relative summation.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Sum(OneTo(It))]
1 │ 1 │
2 │ 3 │
3 │ 6 │

Julia functions taking a vector argument, such as mean, can be lifted to a combinator taking a plural query. When performed, the plural output is converted into the function's vector argument.

using Statistics
Mean(X) = mean.(X)

unitknot[Mean(Lift(1:3) >> Sum(OneTo(It)))]
│ 3.33333 │

To use Mean as a query primitive, we use Then to build a query that aggregates elements from its input. Next, we register this query aggregate so it is used when Mean is treated as a query.

DataKnots.Lift(::typeof(Mean)) = DataKnots.Then(Mean)

Once these are done, one could take an average of sums as follows:

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Sum(OneTo(It)) >> Mean]
│ 3.33333 │

In DataKnots, summary operations are expressed as aggregate query primitives or as query combinators taking a plural query argument. Moreover, custom aggregates can be constructed from native Julia functions and lifted into the query algebra.


Unlike Filter which evaluates its argument for each input element, the argument to Take is evaluated once, and in the context of the input's source.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> Each(Lift('a':'c') >> Take(It))]
1 │ a │
2 │ a │
3 │ b │
4 │ a │
5 │ b │
6 │ c │

In this example, the argument of Take evaluates in the context of Lift(1:3). Therefore, Take will be performed three times, where It has the values 1, 2, and 3.


Before we can demonstrate Group, we need an interesting dataset. Let's create a flat list of numbers with two characteristics.

DataRow = :data=> Record(:no => It,
                         :even => iseven.(It),
                         :char => Char.((It .+ 2) .% 3 .+ 97))
DataSet = Lift(1:9) >> DataRow

  │ data            │
  │ no  even   char │
1 │  1  false  a    │
2 │  2   true  b    │
3 │  3  false  c    │
4 │  4   true  a    │
5 │  5  false  b    │
6 │  6   true  c    │
7 │  7  false  a    │
8 │  8   true  b    │
9 │  9  false  c    │

The Group combinator rearranges the dataset to bucket unique values of a particular expression together with its matching data.

unitknot[DataSet >> Group(It.char)]
  │ char  data{no,even,char}                   │
1 │ a     1, false, a; 4, true, a; 7, false, a │
2 │ b     2, true, b; 5, false, b; 8, true, b  │
3 │ c     3, false, c; 6, true, c; 9, false, c │

With this rearrangement, we could summarize data with respect to the grouping expression.

unitknot[DataSet >>
         Group(It.char) >>
                :count => Count(,
                :mean => mean.(]
  │ char  no       count  mean │
1 │ a     1; 4; 7      3   4.0 │
2 │ b     2; 5; 8      3   5.0 │
3 │ c     3; 6; 9      3   6.0 │

It's possible to group by more than one expression.

unitknot[DataSet >>
         Group(It.even, It.char) >>
         Record(It.even, It.char,]
  │ even   char  no   │
1 │ false  a     1; 7 │
2 │ false  b     5    │
3 │ false  c     3; 9 │
4 │  true  a     4    │
5 │  true  b     2; 8 │
6 │  true  c     6    │

The Group combinator lets you adapt the structure of a dataset to form a hierarchy suitable to a particular analysis.

Query Parameters

With DataKnots, parameters can be provided so that static data can be used within query expressions. By convention, we use upper case, singular labels for query parameters.

unitknot["Hello " .* Get(:WHO), WHO="World"]
│ Hello World │

To make Get convenient, It provides a shorthand syntax.

unitknot["Hello " .* It.WHO, WHO="World"]
│ Hello World │

Query parameters are available anywhere in the query. They could, for example be used within a filter.

query = OneTo(6) >> Filter(It .> It.START)

unitknot[query, START=3]
1 │ 4 │
2 │ 5 │
3 │ 6 │

Parameters can also be defined as part of a query using Given. This combinator takes set of pairs (=>) that map symbols (:name) onto query expressions. The subsequent argument is then evaluated in a naming context where the defined parameters are available for reuse.

unitknot[Given(:WHO => "World", "Hello " .* Get(:WHO))]
│ Hello World │

Query parameters can be especially useful when managing aggregates, or with expressions that one may wish to repeat more than once.

GreaterThanAverage(X) =
  Given(:AVG => Mean(X),
        X >> Filter(It .> Get(:AVG)))

1 │ 4 │
2 │ 5 │
3 │ 6 │

With Given the parameter provided, AVG does not leak into the surrounding context.

unitknot[GreaterThanAverage(OneTo(6)) >> It.AVG]
#-> ERROR: cannot find "AVG" at ⋮

In DataKnots, query parameters permit external data to be used within query expressions. Parameters that are defined with Given can be used to remember values and reuse them.

Julia Integration

DataKnots is a query algebra embedded in the Julia programming language. We should discuss the interaction between the semantics of the query algebra and the semantics of Julia.

Precedence of Composition

DataKnots uses Julia's bitshift operator (>>) for composition.

This works visually, but the precedence of this operator does not match user expectations. Specifically, common binary operators such as addition (+) have a lower precedence.

This expectation mismatch could lead a user to write:

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> It .+ It]
#-> ERROR: cannot apply + to Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Tuple{}}⋮

To fix this query, we add parentheses.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> (It .+ It)]
1 │ 2 │
2 │ 4 │
3 │ 6 │

Composition of Queries

For bitshift operator (>>) to work as composition, the first operand must be a query.

unitknot[1:3 >> "Hello"]
#-> ERROR: MethodError: no method matching >>(::Int64, ::String)⋮

To fix this query, we use Lift to convert the first operand to a query.

unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> "Hello"]
1 │ Hello │
2 │ Hello │
3 │ Hello │

Support for Tuple

A Tuple lifted to a constant query is displayed as a table.

│ msg   │
│ Hello │

When they are lifted, native vectors are automatically converted into our block vector. However, native tuples are left unwrapped.

#-> BlockOf(NamedTuple{(:msg,), Tuple{String}}, x1to1)

That said, tuple entries can be directly accessed using It.

unitknot[Lift((msg="Hello",)) >> It.msg]
│ msg   │
│ Hello │

Although it looks the same visually, this has a different shape.

DataKnots.shape(unitknot[Lift((msg="Hello",)) >> It.msg])
#-> BlockOf(String, x1to1) |> IsLabeled(:msg)

Cardinality of Lift

For constant queries produced by Lift, the cardinality is guessed based upon the type of the underlying data. If the type is Missing, then it is x0to1. If the type is a kind of AbstractVector, then Lift guesses it should be unconstrained (:x0toN). All other data types are assumed to have a mandatory, singular cardinality (:x1to1).


We can cause a constant query produced by Lift to produce knots having a specific cardinality.

greetings = unitknot[Lift(["Hello"], :x1toN)]
1 │ Hello │

The shape of the greetings knot will then indicate that it has a plural block with at least one element.

#-> BlockOf(String, x1toN)

Observe that specifying the cardinality works even for singular values, even if the value lifted happens to be a vector.

greeting = unitknot[Lift(["Hello"], :x1to1)]
│ Hello │

#-> BlockOf(String, x1to1)

Just because a Vector is automatically converted into a block doesn't mean a block can't contain a vector.

opaque = ["HELLO", "WORLD"]

single = unitknot[Lift([opaque], :x1to1)]

The value of this knot is actually a Vector, even if it may be shown in a convenient way.

#-> BlockOf(Vector{String}, x1to1)

This value can be retrieved using get.

#-> ["HELLO", "WORLD"]

Broadcasting over Queries

Broadcasting can be used to convert function calls into query expressions. For broadcasting to build a query, at least one argument must be a query.

Even when the argument isn't a query, the result often works as expected.

│ true │

In this case, iseven.(2) is evaluated to the constant true, which is automatically lifted to a constant query.

For some functions this may lead to unexpected results. Suppose we need to generate 3 random characters.

using Random: seed!, rand

#? VERSION < v"1.5.0-DEV"
#-> 'o'

We could try to make the following query.

#? VERSION < v"1.5.0-DEV"
unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> rand('a':'z')]
1 │ c │
2 │ c │
3 │ c │

Unfortunately, the function rand evaluated once, which gives us the same value repeated 3 times. Let's try broadcasting.

#? VERSION < v"1.9.0-DEV"
unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> rand.('a':'z')]
#-> ERROR: ArgumentError: Sampler for this object is not defined⋮

For broadcasting to generate a query, we need at least one argument to be a query. If we don't have a query argument, we could make one using Lift.

#? VERSION < v"1.5.0-DEV"
unitknot[Lift(1:3) >> rand.(Lift('a':'z'))]
1 │ h │
2 │ b │
3 │ v │