
DataKnots is a Julia library for representing and querying complex structured data. It is designed for data analysts and domain experts (e.g. accountants, engineers, researchers) who need to build and share domain-specific queries. DataKnots also provides an extensible, coherent, and composable programmatic interface to assist software developers create sophisticated yet custom query interfaces for their users.

At this time, while we welcome feedback and contributions, DataKnots is not yet usable for general audiences.


To get a high-level view of what DataKnots is capable of, there is an overview.


To help you get started with DataKnots we open with goal-oriented tutorials. They explain all of the basic and some of the more advanced features of the system, without going into all of the details.

Reference Manual

These documents provide conceptual topics and reference materials for users.

Implementer's Guide

The following documents include implementation details for contributors and for those who are building extensions. These documents serve as regression suites in documentation form.