Pipeline Algebra
This section describes the Pipeline
interface of vectorized data transformations. We will use the following definitions:
using DataKnots:
Lifting and Fillers
stores structured data in a column-oriented format, serialized using specialized composite vector types. Consequently, operations on data must also be adapted to the column-oriented format.
In DataKnots
, operations on column-oriented data are called pipelines. A pipeline is a vectorized transformation: it takes a vector of input values and produces a vector of the same size containing output values.
Any unary scalar function could be vectorized, which gives us a simple method for creating new pipelines. Consider, for example, function titlecase()
, which transforms the input string by capitalizing the first letter of each word and converting every other character to lowercase.
titlecase("JEFFERY A") #-> "Jeffery A"
This function can be converted to a pipeline or lifted, using the lift
pipeline constructor.
p = lift(titlecase)
#-> ["Jeffery A", "James A", "Terry A"]
A scalar function with N
arguments could be lifted by tuple_lift
to make a pipeline that transforms a TupleVector
with N
columns. For example, a binary predicate >
gives rise to a pipeline tuple_lift(>)
that transforms a TupleVector
with two columns into a Boolean vector.
p = tuple_lift(>)
p(@VectorTree (Int, Int) [260004 200000; 185364 200000; 170112 200000])
#-> Bool[1, 0, 0]
In a similar manner, a function with a vector argument can be lifted by block_lift
to make a pipeline that expects a BlockVector
input. For example, function length()
, which returns the length of a vector, could be converted to a pipeline block_lift(length)
that transforms a block vector to an integer vector containing block lengths.
p = block_lift(length)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["JEFFERY A", "NANCY A"], ["JAMES A"]])
#-> [2, 1]
Not just functions, but also regular values could give rise to pipelines. The filler
constructor makes a pipeline from any scalar value. This pipeline maps any input vector to a vector filled with the given scalar.
p = filler(200000)
#-> [200000, 200000, 200000]
Similarly, block_filler
makes a pipeline from any vector value. This pipeline produces a BlockVector
filled with the given vector.
p = block_filler(["POLICE", "FIRE"])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"]]
A variant of block_filler
called null_filler
makes a pipeline that produces a BlockVector
filled with empty blocks.
p = null_filler()
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Bottom [missing, missing, missing]
Chaining Pipelines
Given a series of pipelines, the chain_of
constructor creates their composition pipeline, which transforms the input vector by sequentially applying the given pipelines.
p = chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase))
#-> ["Jeffery", "James", "Terry"]
The degenerate composition of an empty sequence of pipelines has its own name, pass()
. It passes its input to the output unchanged.
#-> pass()
p = pass()
In general, pipeline constructors that take one or more pipelines as arguments are called pipeline combinators. Combinators are used to assemble elementary pipelines into complex pipeline expressions.
Composite Vectors
In DataKnots
, composite data is represented as a tree of vectors with regular Vector
objects at the leaves and composite vectors, such as TupleVector
and BlockVector
, at the intermediate nodes. Pipelines that operate and rearrange this tree are described here.
The tuple_of
pipeline combinator permits us to construct a TupleVector
. TupleVector
is a vector of tuples composed of a sequence of column vectors. Any collection of vectors could be used as columns as long as they all have the same length. One way to obtain N columns for a TupleVector
is to apply N pipelines to the same input vector.
p = tuple_of(:first => chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase)),
:last => lift(last))
#-> @VectorTree (first = String, last = Char) [(first = "Jeffery", last = 'A') … ]
In the opposite direction, the column
constructor makes a pipeline that extracts the specified column from the input TupleVector
p = column(:salary)
p(@VectorTree (name=String, salary=Int) [("JEFFERY A", 101442), ("JAMES A", 103350), ("TERRY A", 93354)])
#-> [101442, 103350, 93354]
The wrap()
pipeline primitive is used to create a BlockVector
. BlockVector
is a vector of vectors serialized as a partitioned vector of elements. Any input vector could be transformed to a BlockVector
by partitioning its elements into one-element blocks.
p = wrap()
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
Dual to wrap()
is the pipeline flatten()
, which transforms a nested BlockVector
by flattening its nested blocks.
p = flatten()
p(@VectorTree [[String]] [[["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]], [[], ["JOSE S"], ["CHARLES S"]]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]
The distribute
constructor makes a pipeline that rearranges a TupleVector
with a BlockVector
column. This operation exchanges their positions, pushing tuples down and pulling blocks up. Specifically, it takes each tuple, where a specific field must contain a block value, and transforms it to a block of tuples by distributing the block value over the tuple.
p = distribute(:employee)
p(@VectorTree (department = String, employee = [String]) [
"FIRE" ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]) |> display
@VectorTree of 2 × (0:N) × (department = String, employee = String):
[(department = "POLICE", employee = "GARRY M"), (department = "POLICE", employee = "ANTHONY R"), (department = "POLICE", employee = "DANA A")]
[(department = "FIRE", employee = "JOSE S"), (department = "FIRE", employee = "CHARLES S")]
Often we need to transform only a part of a composite vector, leaving the rest of the structure intact. This can be achieved using with_column
and with_elements
combinators. Specifically, with_column
transforms a specific column of a TupleVector
while with_elements
transforms the vector of elements of a BlockVector
p = with_column(:employee, with_elements(lift(titlecase)))
p(@VectorTree (department = String, employee = [String]) [
"FIRE" ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]) |> display
@VectorTree of 2 × (department = String, employee = (0:N) × String):
(department = "POLICE", employee = ["Garry M", "Anthony R", "Dana A"])
(department = "FIRE", employee = ["Jose S", "Charles S"])
Specialized Pipelines
Not every data transformation can be implemented with lifting. DataKnots
provide pipeline constructors for some common transformation tasks.
For example, data filtering is implemented with the pipeline sieve_by()
. As input, it expects a TupleVector
of pairs containing a value and a Bool
flag. sieve_by()
transforms the input to a BlockVector
containing 0- and 1-element blocks. When the flag is false
, it is mapped to an empty block, otherwise, it is mapped to a one-element block containing the data value.
p = sieve_by()
p(@VectorTree (String, Bool) [("JEFFERY A", true), ("JAMES A", true), ("TERRY A", false)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["JEFFERY A", "JAMES A", missing]
If DataKnots
does not provide a specific transformation, it is easy to create a new one. For example, let us create a pipeline constructor double
which makes a pipeline that doubles the elements of the input vector.
We need to provide two definitions: to create a Pipeline
object and to perform the tranformation on the given input vector.
double() = Pipeline(double)
double(::Runtime, input::AbstractVector{<:Number}) = input .* 2
p = double()
p([260004, 185364, 170112])
#-> [520008, 370728, 340224]
It is also easy to create new pipeline combinators. Let us create a combinator twice
, which applies the given pipeline to the input two times.
twice(p) = Pipeline(twice, p)
twice(rt::Runtime, input, p) = p(rt, p(rt, input))
p = twice(double())
p([260004, 185364, 170112])
#-> [1040016, 741456, 680448]
API Reference
— TypePipeline(op, args...)
A pipeline object represents a vectorized data transformation.
Parameter op
is a function that performs the transformation; args
are extra arguments to be passed to the function.
The pipeline transforms any input vector by invoking op
with the following arguments:
op(rt::Runtime, input::AbstractVector, args...)
The result of op
must be the output vector, which should be of the same length as the input vector.
— TypeRuntime()
Runtime state for pipeline evaluation.
— Methodadapt_missing() :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a vector that contains missing
elements to a block vector with missing
elements replaced by empty blocks.
— Methodadapt_tuple() :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a vector of tuples to a tuple vector.
— Methodadapt_vector() :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a vector with vector elements to a block vector.
— Methodassert_type(T::Type, lbl) :: Pipeline
This pipeline asserts the types of the elements of the input vector.
— Methodblock_any() :: Pipeline
This pipeline applies any
to a block vector with Bool
— Methodblock_cardinality(card::Cardinality, src_lbl, tgt_lbl) :: Pipeline
This pipeline asserts the cardinality of the input block vector.
— Functionblock_filler(block::AbstractVector, card::Cardinality) :: Pipeline
This pipeline produces a block vector filled with the given block.
— Methodblock_length() :: Pipeline
This pipeline converts a block vector to a vector of block lengths.
— Functionblock_lift(f) :: Pipeline
block_lift(f, default) :: Pipeline
is a function that expects a vector argument.
The pipeline applies f
to each block of the input block vector. When a block is empty, default
(if specified) is used as the output value.
— Methodblock_not_empty() :: Pipeline
This pipeline converts a block vector to a vector of Boolean values, where each value indicates whether the corresponding block is empty or not.
— Functionchain_of(p₁::Pipeline, p₂::Pipeline … pₙ::Pipeline) :: Pipeline
This pipeline sequentially applies p₁
, p₂
… pₙ
— Methodcolumn(lbl::Union{Int,Symbol}) :: Pipeline
This pipeline extracts the specified column of a tuple vector.
— Functiondesignate(::Pipeline, ::Signature) :: Pipeline
designate(::Pipeline, ::AbstractShape, ::AbstractShape) :: Pipeline
p::Pipeline |> designate(::Signature) :: Pipeline
p::Pipeline |> designate(::AbstractShape, ::AbstractShape) :: Pipeline
Sets the pipeline signature.
— Methoddistribute(lbl::Union{Int,Symbol}) :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a tuple vector with a column of blocks to a block vector with tuple elements.
— Methoddistribute_all() :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a tuple vector with block columns to a block vector with tuple elements.
— Methodfiller(val) :: Pipeline
This pipeline produces a vector filled with the given value.
— Methodflatten() :: Pipeline
This pipeline flattens a nested block vector.
— Methodget_by(N::Int) :: Pipeline
This pipeline extracts the N
-th element from the given block vector.
— Methodget_by() :: Pipeline
This pipeline takes a pair vector of blocks and integers, and returns the first column indexed by the second column.
— Methodlift(f) :: Pipeline
is any scalar unary function.
The pipeline applies f
to each element of the input vector.
— Methodnull_filler() :: Pipeline
This pipeline produces a block vector with empty blocks.
— Methodpass() :: Pipeline
This pipeline returns its input unchanged.
— Methodsieve_by() :: Pipeline
This pipeline filters a vector of pairs by the second column. It expects a pair vector, whose second column is a Bool
vector, and produces a block vector with 0- or 1-element blocks containing the elements of the first column.
— Methodsignature(::Pipeline) :: Signature
Returns the pipeline signature.
— Functionslice_by(N::Int, inv::Bool=false) :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a block vector by keeping the first N
elements of each block. If inv
is true, the pipeline drops the first N
elements of each block.
— Functionslice_by(inv::Bool=false) :: Pipeline
This pipeline takes a pair vector of blocks and integers, and returns the first column sliced by the second column.
— Methodtuple_lift(f) :: Pipeline
is an n-ary function.
The pipeline applies f
to each row of an n-tuple vector.
— Methodtuple_of(p₁::Pipeline, p₂::Pipeline … pₙ::Pipeline) :: Pipeline
This pipeline produces an n-tuple vector, whose columns are generated by applying p₁
, p₂
… pₙ
to the input vector.
— Methodwith_column(lbl::Union{Int,Symbol}, p::Pipeline) :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a tuple vector by applying p
to the specified column.
— Methodwith_elements(p::Pipeline) :: Pipeline
This pipeline transforms a block vector by applying p
to its vector of elements.
— Methodwrap() :: Pipeline
This pipeline produces a block vector with one-element blocks wrapping the values of the input vector.
Test Suite
The lift
constructor makes a pipeline by vectorizing a unary function.
p = lift(titlecase)
#-> lift(titlecase)
#-> ["Garry M", "Anthony R", "Dana A"]
The block_lift
constructor makes a pipeline on block vectors by vectorizing a unary vector function.
p = block_lift(length)
#-> block_lift(length)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
#-> [3, 2]
Some vector functions may expect a non-empty vector as an argument. In this case, we should provide the value to replace empty blocks.
p = block_lift(maximum, missing)
#-> block_lift(maximum, missing)
p(@VectorTree [Int] [[260004, 185364, 170112], [], [202728, 197736]])
#-> Union{Missing, Int64}[260004, missing, 202728]
The tuple_lift
constructor makes a pipeline on tuple vectors by vectorizing a function of several arguments.
p = tuple_lift(>)
#-> tuple_lift(>)
p(@VectorTree (Int, Int) [260004 200000; 185364 200000; 170112 200000])
#-> Bool[1, 0, 0]
The pipeline filler(val)
ignores its input and produces a vector filled with val
p = filler(200000)
#-> filler(200000)
#-> [200000, 200000, 200000]
The pipeline block_filler(blk, card)
produces a block vector filled with the given block.
p = block_filler(["POLICE", "FIRE"], x1toN)
#-> block_filler(["POLICE", "FIRE"], x1toN)
#-> @VectorTree (1:N) × String [["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"]]
The pipeline null_filler()
produces a block vector with empty blocks.
p = null_filler()
#-> null_filler()
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Bottom [missing, missing, missing]
Adapting row-oriented data
The pipeline adapt_missing()
transforms a vector containing missing
values to a block vector with missing
replaced by an empty block and other values wrapped in 1-element block.
p = adapt_missing()
#-> adapt_missing()
p([260004, 185364, 170112, missing, 202728, 197736])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Int64 [260004, 185364, 170112, missing, 202728, 197736]
The pipeline adapt_vector()
transforms a vector of vectors to a block vector.
p = adapt_vector()
#-> adapt_vector()
p([[260004, 185364, 170112], Int[], [202728, 197736]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × Int64 [[260004, 185364, 170112], [], [202728, 197736]]
The pipeline adapt_tuple()
transforms a vector of tuples to a tuple vector.
p = adapt_tuple()
#-> adapt_tuple()
p([("GARRY M", 260004), ("ANTHONY R", 185364), ("DANA A", 170112)]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (String, Int64):
("GARRY M", 260004)
("ANTHONY R", 185364)
("DANA A", 170112)
Vectors of named tuples are also supported.
p([(name="GARRY M", salary=260004), (name="ANTHONY R", salary=185364), (name="DANA A", salary=170112)]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (name = String, salary = Int64):
(name = "GARRY M", salary = 260004)
(name = "ANTHONY R", salary = 185364)
(name = "DANA A", salary = 170112)
The chain_of
combinator composes a sequence of pipelines.
p = chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase))
#-> chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase))
#-> ["Jeffery", "James", "Terry"]
The empty chain chain_of()
has an alias pass()
p = pass()
#-> pass()
#-> ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
Tuple vectors
The pipeline tuple_of(p₁, p₂ … pₙ)
produces a tuple vector, whose columns are generated by applying p₁
, p₂
… pₙ
to the input vector.
p = tuple_of(:title => lift(titlecase), :last => lift(last))
#-> tuple_of(:title => lift(titlecase), :last => lift(last))
p(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (title = String, last = Char):
(title = "Garry M", last = 'M')
(title = "Anthony R", last = 'R')
(title = "Dana A", last = 'A')
The pipeline column(lbl)
extracts the specified column from a tuple vector. The column
constructor accepts either the column position or the column label.
p = column(1)
#-> column(1)
p(@VectorTree (name = String, salary = Int) ["GARRY M" 260004; "ANTHONY R" 185364; "DANA A" 170112])
#-> ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
p = column(:salary)
#-> column(:salary)
p(@VectorTree (name = String, salary = Int) ["GARRY M" 260004; "ANTHONY R" 185364; "DANA A" 170112])
#-> [260004, 185364, 170112]
The with_column
combinator lets us apply the given pipeline to a selected column of a tuple vector.
p = with_column(:name, lift(titlecase))
#-> with_column(:name, lift(titlecase))
p(@VectorTree (name = String, salary = Int) ["GARRY M" 260004; "ANTHONY R" 185364; "DANA A" 170112]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (name = String, salary = Int64):
(name = "Garry M", salary = 260004)
(name = "Anthony R", salary = 185364)
(name = "Dana A", salary = 170112)
Block vectors
The pipeline wrap()
wraps the elements of the input vector to one-element blocks.
p = wrap()
#-> wrap()
@VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
The pipeline flatten()
flattens a nested block vector.
p = flatten()
#-> flatten()
p(@VectorTree [[String]] [[["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]], [missing, ["JOSE S"], ["CHARLES S"]]])
@VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]
The with_elements
combinator lets us apply the given pipeline to transform the elements of a block vector.
p = with_elements(lift(titlecase))
#-> with_elements(lift(titlecase))
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
@VectorTree (0:N) × String [["Garry M", "Anthony R", "Dana A"], ["Jose S", "Charles S"]]
The pipeline distribute(lbl)
transforms a tuple vector with a certain block column to a block vector of tuples by distributing the block elements over the tuple.
p = distribute(1)
#-> distribute(1)
p(@VectorTree ([Int], [Int]) [
[260004, 185364, 170112] 200000
missing 200000
[202728, 197736] [200000, 200000]]
) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (0:N) × (Int64, (0:N) × Int64):
[(260004, [200000]), (185364, [200000]), (170112, [200000])]
[(202728, [200000, 200000]), (197736, [200000, 200000])]
The pipeline distribute_all()
takes a tuple vector with block columns and distribute all of the block columns.
p = distribute_all()
#-> distribute_all()
p(@VectorTree ([Int], [Int]) [
[260004, 185364, 170112] 200000
missing 200000
[202728, 197736] [200000, 200000]]
) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (0:N) × (Int64, Int64):
[(260004, 200000), (185364, 200000), (170112, 200000)]
[(202728, 200000), (202728, 200000), (197736, 200000), (197736, 200000)]
This pipeline is equivalent to chain_of(distribute(1), with_elements(distribute(2)), flatten())
The pipeline block_length()
calculates the lengths of blocks in a block vector.
p = block_length()
#-> block_length()
p(@VectorTree [String] [missing, "GARRY M", ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]])
#-> [0, 1, 2]
The pipeline block_not_empty()
produces a vector of Boolean values indicating whether the input block is empty or not.
p = block_not_empty()
#-> block_not_empty()
p(@VectorTree [String] [missing, "GARRY M", ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]])
#-> Bool[0, 1, 1]
The pipeline block_any()
checks whether the blocks in a Bool
block vector have any true
p = block_any()
#-> block_any()
p(@VectorTree [Bool] [missing, true, false, [true, false], [false, false], [false, true]])
#-> Bool[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
The pipeline block_cardinality()
asserts the cardinality of a block vector.
p = block_cardinality(x1to1, :employee, :name)
#-> block_cardinality(x1to1, :employee, :name)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]])
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]])
#-> ERROR: "name": expected a singular value, relative to "employee"
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], [], ["DANA A"]])
#-> ERROR: "name": expected a mandatory value, relative to "employee"
The source and/or target labels could be omitted.
p = block_cardinality(x1to1, :employee, nothing)
p(@VectorTree [String] [[]])
#-> ERROR: expected a mandatory value, relative to "employee"
p = block_cardinality(x1to1, nothing, :name)
p(@VectorTree [String] [[]])
#-> ERROR: "name": expected a mandatory value
p = block_cardinality(x1to1, nothing, nothing)
p(@VectorTree [String] [[]])
#-> ERROR: expected a mandatory value
The block_cardinality()
pipeline could also be used to widen the cardinality constraint.
p = block_cardinality(x0toN)
#-> block_cardinality(x0toN)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]]
p(@VectorTree (1:1)String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]]
The pipeline sieve_by()
filters a vector of pairs by the second column.
p = sieve_by()
#-> sieve_by()
p(@VectorTree (Int, Bool) [260004 true; 185364 false; 170112 false])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Int64 [260004, missing, missing]
The pipeline get_by(N)
transforms a block vector by extracting the N
-th element of each block.
p = get_by(2)
#-> get_by(2)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["ANTHONY R", "CHARLES S", missing]
The pipeline get_by(-N)
takes the N
-th element from the end.
p = get_by(-1)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["DANA A", "CHARLES S", missing]
It is possible to explicitly specify the cardinality of the output.
p = get_by(1, x1to1)
#-> get_by(1, x1to1)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "JOSE S"]
p = get_by(-1, x1to1)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["DANA A", "CHARLES S"]
A variant of this pipeline get_by()
expects a tuple vector with two columns: the first column containing the blocks and the second column with the indexes.
p = get_by()
#-> get_by()
p(@VectorTree ([String], Int) [(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], 1), (["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], -1), (missing, 0)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["GARRY M", "CHARLES S", missing]
p(@VectorTree ([String], Int) [(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], 1), (["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], -1)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["GARRY M", "CHARLES S"]
The pipeline slice_by(N)
transforms a block vector by keeping the first N
elements of each block.
p = slice_by(2)
#-> slice_by(2, false)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], []]
When N
is negative, slice_by(N)
drops the last -N
elements of each block.
p = slice_by(-1)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R"], ["JOSE S"], []]
The pipeline slice_by(N, true)
drops the first N
elements (or keeps the last -N
elements if N
is negative).
p = slice_by(2, true)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["DANA A"], [], []]
p = slice_by(-1, true)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["DANA A"], ["CHARLES S"], []]
A variant of this pipeline slice_by()
expects a tuple vector with two columns: the first column containing the blocks and the second column with the number of elements to keep.
p = slice_by()
#-> slice_by(false)
p(@VectorTree ([String], Int) [(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], 1), (["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], -1), (missing, 0)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M"], ["JOSE S"], []]
Sorting and Grouping
The pipeline unique_by()
transforms a block vector by keeping one copy of each distinct value in each block.
p = unique_by()
#-> unique_by()
p(@VectorTree [String] [["FIRE", "POLICE", "POLICE", "FIRE"], ["FIRE", "OEMC", "OEMC"], []])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["FIRE", "POLICE"], ["FIRE", "OEMC"], []]
Compositve values are also supported.
p(@VectorTree [(0:1)String] [["POLICE", "FIRE", missing, "OEMC", "POLICE", missing]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((0:1) × String) [[missing, "FIRE", "OEMC", "POLICE"]]
The pipeline sort_by()
expects a block vector of pairs of values and keys. The output of sort_by()
is the vector of values sorted by the corresponding keys.
p = sort_by()
#-> sort_by()
p(@VectorTree [(String, String)] [[("DANIEL A", "FIRE"), ("JEFFERY A", "POLICE"), ("JAMES A", "FIRE"), ("NANCY A", "POLICE")]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["DANIEL A", "JAMES A", "JEFFERY A", "NANCY A"]]
The keys could be assembled from tuples and blocks.
p(@VectorTree [(String, (0:1)((0:1)Int, (0:1)Int))] [[("JEFFERY A", (10, missing)), ("NANCY A", (8, missing))], [("JAMES A", (10, missing)), ("DANIEL A", (10, missing))], [("LAKENYA A", (missing, 2)), ("DORIS A", (missing, 2)), ("ASKEW A", (6, missing)), ("MARY Z", missing)], []])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["NANCY A", "JEFFERY A"], ["JAMES A", "DANIEL A"], ["MARY Z", "LAKENYA A", "DORIS A", "ASKEW A"], []]
Plural blocks could also serve as keys.
p(@VectorTree [(String, [String])] [[("ANTONIO", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("DOLORES", ["FINANCE"]), ("MARY", ["FINANCE"]), ("CRYSTAL", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("PIA", ["POLICE"]), ("CALVIN", [])]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["CALVIN", "DOLORES", "MARY", "PIA", "ANTONIO", "CRYSTAL"]]
The pipeline group_by()
expects a block vector of pairs of values and keys. The values are further partitioned into blocks by grouping the values with equal keys.
p = group_by()
#-> group_by()
p(@VectorTree [(String, String)] [[("DANIEL A", "FIRE"), ("JEFFERY A", "POLICE"), ("JAMES A", "FIRE"), ("NANCY A", "POLICE")]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((1:N) × String, String) [[(["DANIEL A", "JAMES A"], "FIRE"), (["JEFFERY A", "NANCY A"], "POLICE")]]
The keys could be assembled from tuples and blocks.
p(@VectorTree [(String, (0:1)((0:1)Int, (0:1)Int))] [[("JEFFERY A", (10, missing)), ("NANCY A", (8, missing))], [("JAMES A", (10, missing)), ("DANIEL A", (10, missing))], [("LAKENYA A", (missing, 2)), ("DORIS A", (missing, 2)), ("ASKEW A", (6, missing)), ("MARY Z", missing)], []])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((1:N) × String, (0:1) × ((0:1) × Int64, (0:1) × Int64)) [[(["NANCY A"], (8, missing)), (["JEFFERY A"], (10, missing))], [(["JAMES A", "DANIEL A"], (10, missing))], [(["MARY Z"], missing), (["LAKENYA A", "DORIS A"], (missing, 2)), (["ASKEW A"], (6, missing))], []]
Plural blocks could also serve as keys.
p(@VectorTree [(String, [String])] [[("ANTONIO", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("DOLORES", ["FINANCE"]), ("MARY", ["FINANCE"]), ("CRYSTAL", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("PIA", ["POLICE"]), ("CALVIN", [])]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((1:N) × String, (0:N) × String) [[(["CALVIN"], []), (["DOLORES", "MARY"], ["FINANCE"]), (["PIA"], ["POLICE"]), (["ANTONIO", "CRYSTAL"], ["POLICE", "OEMC"])]]